Welcome 2019!

As we welcome 2019, we look forward to a brand new year of possibilities. We make plans and set goals, and put pen to paper (or embrace digital lists) and think big for the future. We set goals for our health, which may include working out, eating clean, and cutting back on certain foods. We may set goals to travel, or to enjoy more experiences in the New Year. And if you’re a business owner, you’ll likely be planning goals for your business which may include securing new clients, writing or speaking more, and reaching out more to your network. Setting goals is an important process, and backing that up with a written, executable plan is also key.

However, as you look forward – be sure to take some time to look backward as well. If you went through a goal setting process last year for your business, did you meet those goals? If not, where did you fall short? Were your goals unrealistic? Did you have an executable strategy? Now is a perfect time to take stock – set aside some time to review last year’s goals, strategies, and review your success and opportunities to improve. When you take a look to your past, be grateful for what you have accomplished!

The AJA Marketing Team wishes everyone a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! Take charge of your goals and grab that success!